The Magical Government now realizes all the danger of Dark Lord rise, because he started another war, and even the world of maggles is suffered, being full of mysterious catastrophes. The Order of Phoenix is loosing his best wizards. But our young heroes are continuing their studies at Hogwarts, where again strange events are happening. Harry learns the greatest secret of Dark Lord and decided to use his knowledge to win. But the victory will take much more than Harry proposes.
5 star series! I absolutely love it . Though I hate how sad it is! :( I recommend reading the entire series. you will not regret it!
Guest4 years ago
I love this book so much and it is deffinently much better than Star Wars or any other kind of series. This app is really great and keep all this up! I hope you are all having fun exploring new books through this app. Also, this is going to be the best book of the series in my opinion, and I am also reading this for the 6th time. Hope you enjoyed this book too, and the same as me! Expecto Patronum! WIngardium Leviosa! Locomotor Mortis! Avada Kedrava!
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