“‘I’m what they call a serious screever. I don’t draw in blackboard chalks like these others, I use proper colours 1 Down and Out in Paris and London the same as what painters use; bloody expensive they are, especially the reds. I use five bobs’ worth of colours in a long day, and never less than two bobs’ worth*. Cartoons is my line—you know, politics and cricket and that. Look here’—he showed me his notebook—‘here’s likenesses of all the political blokes, what I’ve copied from the papers. I have a different cartoon every day. For instance, when the Bud- get was on I had one of Winston trying to push an elephant marked ‘Debt’, and underneath I wrote, ‘Will he budge it?’ See? You can have cartoons about any of the parties, but you mustn’t put anything in favour of Socialism, because the police won’t stand it. Once I did a cartoon of a boa constric- tor marked Capital swallowing a rabbit marked Labour. The copper came along and saw it, and he says, ‘You rub that out, and look sharp abou...t it,’ he says.MoreLessShow More Show Less
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