The Golden Compass

Cover The Golden Compass
Series: His Dark Materials (#1)

This book is something very rare. It is so convoluted, so complicated, and so complex tat the book actually becomes boring. Phillip Pullman had an interesting concept: in a parallel world where people's souls live in shapeshifting animals called dæmons, a girl named Lyra goes on an adventure across the world to find her friend Roger, who has been captured by a group of adults conducting experiments on children. Cool, right?
Well, sort of.
The book is bogged down with so much action and unexplained plot points that you lose track of what is going on. Granted, the descriptions in the book are beautifully written, but they drag on for too long. Also, Lyra has an instrument which tells the truth to someone who knows how to use it, but it seems like she can just suddenly use it without any practice. I thought it would have been more realistic and interesting to read about her learning how to use it, and why she is so good at it. There is also a heavy focus on the oppressive religious gove


rnment, which is interesting at first, but then becomes boring and overly-complicated. I've decided I am going to handle this book like I handled "Wicked": I'm going to reread it when I am older in the hopes that I will better understand it.

The Golden Compass
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Guest 5 years ago

The book was just fantastic and no review will ever be able to give it the beautiful description that it deserves....
This is definitely on my "favorite books" list and i urge everyone(anyone who is thinks they are old enough to understand it) to give it a try!!

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

Wow! Nice book

Guest 6 years ago

Amazing. Top Notch quality book.

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

The book was an amazing read. The description does no justice to the book and it's author and I would like to request the admin to right this injustice and write a proper description befitting such an exemplary work of fiction.

Guest 6 years ago

Yeela boy dick

Guest 7 years ago

Incredible book wish the last two were on here

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

Woow, this was hella confusing
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Guest 7 years ago

Woow, the description up there.
Heck, are you sure that you've actually read the book? Sounds like to me that you didn't really grasp the concept of the plot. It's MEANT to be like that. Complicated and complex to you, maybe, (probably because you didn't understand some of the words in the book. Or do you need a picture book to actually understand this masterpiece? I didn't think so.) To me, it's quite simple to understand. I could list all of the most obvious things that happened in the story but I'm not willing to spoil the storyline to those who haven't read this beautifully written piece of work. So no.

Anyways, that person who wrote that description up there, I suggest you to re-read the story again. because it's quite obvious that you couldn't read tiny words stuffed in a big book (when you were in that age where you wrote that description.)

Besides, you should've written the description AFTER you've FINALLY understood the story else you would completely mislead readers the wrong way. Why the heck would you write a description about the story like you know about it even when you specifically said that you don't even understand it?

Of course you would think it as boring. Na-duh.

Anyways, the story's great in my opinion and I absolutely loved the setting. Read this book many times before and now re-reading it again just to pass the time. I recommend this to those who're hungry for a good piece of fantasy/sci-fic and could understand Shakespeare (unlike someone *cough *cough not saying who but it's really obvious *ahem*)

Anyways, toodles!

(That's my rant finished heh.)

Guest 6 years ago

u did not need to wright a whole para......

Guest 7 years ago

I've watched the movie, which is pretty good. I am excited to see the next movie.

Guest 7 years ago

whoever wrote the description is STUPID AF, thats is how the book was written

all the haters these days

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

he is so stupid
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