I began this book with trepidation...why? It is so very rare that a second writer can become the soul of a writer that has regrettably passed on and left works so viable that readers want more. And by a miracle Lagercrantze and his translator have delivered more of the ongoing saga that surrounds Salander. There are some places that are then but I forgive them considering the mountains climbed. I loved the Millinieum series (original)... I found parts of salander hiding in me..so I lived vicariously because of such thing happened to me, God give me such strength. I know so may people have given great ratings...they are right. This book continues to peel back the layers of the onion, sometimes burning your eyes, but never do you want to put the book down.
I hate to write spoiler reviews. I want you to be captured as I was. Lagercrantz brings back many characters...sometimes I do not like what happens to some while others get their just desserts. Please read this book and the next tha
t is out. I pray that the second movie is as true to Salander as the first. David Lagercrantz ... I want you to continue please don't burn out. Your faithful reader.
Maybe more like 3.5 stars. I liked it, but it's not as good as the original trilogy. I don't know whether there was any plans left for more books by Steig Larsson or whether the new author just ran with it but it just seemed a bit cliched. Maybe it's just that the "autistic genius child is key to everything" trope is a bit overdone. Bringing in Camilla Salander as a central character felt like a bit of an obvious choice, but the context was interesting. Other plot points were also a bit repetitive of other books in the series. Millennium is in financial trouble that can only be saved by a Blomkvist scoop, again. A new character working closely with Millennium is murdered, again. I'll still read book 5 but this series probably should have stopped when the original author passed.
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