The Breadwinner

Cover The Breadwinner
Series: The Breadwinner (#1)

I discovered this book a few days back after watching the trailer of its movie adaption. The trailer was stunning. So I searched for it on the internet to know some more about it and found out the Parvana series! Kudos to myself! :v

This book highlights the story of an eleven years old girl named Parvana who leads a very miserable life in Afghanistan because of the Taliban. Each day comes with new hardship for her and her family. Girls there cannot go to school, women must not come out of their homes, men are bound to grow a beard! Parvana’s father, who actually is quite a scholar person, has to sit on the street to sell things or read people their letters! Can life be more pitiful than this?

I have read quite a lot of these war-related books starting from Khaled Hosseini’s Kite Runner to Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis. Now it’s Deborah Ellis. Well, I can draw a relation among their writings. I feel they all have tried to highlight the effect of a war on children. I believe that t


hey are the biggest sufferer of any war. Parvana and her siblings were also a part of those ill-fated children who just saw their childhood being demolished in front of their eyes! *sigh*

I loved this book. The storyline is brilliantly structured and the style of writing was beautiful and easy to read. Anyone of any age would love it I believe.

As it just ended on a cliffhanger, I am very keenly looking forward to read the next part.

The Breadwinner
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puravjha07 7 months ago

The main character of this novel is Parvana, an eleven-year-old girl who lives a terribly wretched existence in Afghanistan as a result of the Taliban. She and her family face new challenges every day. Men are obligated to grow a beard, ladies are not allowed to leave their houses, and girls are not allowed to attend school! Even though he is a scholar, Parvana's father is forced to sit on the street and sell items or read letters to passersby! I had also reviewed this book on and kindle.

rshwini 6 years ago

no fair i want to find out the next bit and more about Noorias husband can anyone please try and pt breadwinner(2) on for me because it hangs of on a cliff hanger

rshwini 6 years ago

i actually really like this book do much. i never get to far in most books because i cant really find the right one on this website but this book is really good its actually got so many emotion in but i dont like the eldest girl in the book:)

Guest 6 years ago

oof no-one cares

Guest 6 years ago

It happended to my cousin but in a lighter way

Guest 6 years ago

I saw the film produced by Angelina Jolie. Quite informative and interesting. The fact that "hope" is still there anywhere..... that makes the world worth living and the film worth watching.

Guest 6 years ago

That was such a great book i really liked that it was so power full loved it !

Guest 6 years ago

Once upon a time I was as Parvana, young, poor and work so hard so I could bring home little food to feed my brothers and sisters. Forty years later, I still have nightmares and dreams about those days.
The book is so great and I am strongly recommend. Thanks.

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

loved this book!

Guest 6 years ago

No its bad!

Guest 6 years ago

You have no merce for people

Guest 6 years ago

No Its Good!
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