Take Me On

Cover Take Me On
Series: Pushing the Limits (#4)
Genres: Fiction » Love & Romance

One of the many things that makes a great read for me is relatable characters. Katie McGarry has a real talent for creating a cast who feels real...dealing with real issues and who speak and think like most young adults do. In Take Me On, West Young is the main character in this story. If you remember, he was Rachel's older brother in Crash Into You, and a little bit of a jerk. He clearly had the reputation of a scrapper, and that followed him into his own story.

There is a pattern with Katie's characters too; I find that we get a glimpse of them in a previous story, but first impressions never seem to be accurate. There was Beth in Pushing the Limits--she was hard to warm up to in that initial story, but I loved her in Dare You To once I got to really know HER and her story. Same with Isaiah in Crash Into You...and now, same holds true with West. There is ALWAYS more than meets the eye.

As we know from the previous story, West comes from a privileged family that appears perfect


on the outside...lives in a great big house, drives an Escalade, attends a private school, and always has more than enough food. But a humbling series of events sets in motion a wondrous character arc that was both real and yet almost unbelievable. I never thought I'd get behind West like I did, but did I ever love that boy by the end of the story. Just as I did with Beth in her story, and Isaiah in his.

Haley is the other perspective in this story. If ever two people were separated by having and not-having, it would be these two. Haley's family has fallen on some really hard times, and these hard times, coupled with other awful things that have happened to her, had literally knocked her down for the count. But a happenstance meeting brings Haley and West together. But one of the many things that held them together was their common interest in fighting.

Haley was a Muay Thai kickboxing state title holder, but a series of bad luck and bad decisions have made this all a distant memory for her. Grappling to stay true to herself and maintain her sense of dignity while trying deal with some major self-esteem issues, Haley's growth was also of epic proportions. I could totally understand West's physical and emotional need of wanting to take care of her, yet I also wanted to see her do some things for herself...and she did not disappoint.

Some favourite characters from previous stories made some cameos...such as Rachel, Isaiah, Ethan, Mrs. Collins, West's parents...and Abby! Abby is a real gem of a character who was introduced to us in Isaiah's story as one of his questionable friends, and I would LOVE to read her story! She seems so complex and absolutely intriguing. I am SURE Katie McGarry has an amazing story to tell where she is concerned.

One of the other things I love about Katie's writing, is her epic love stories. They are hot, intense and often bittersweet. I just get so wrapped up into it that I want more and more!

I also love the themes that serve as the anchor for each story. Art, baseball, cars, martial arts...they're all just worlds that seem so intense and interesting.

So another great story by Katie has definitely marked her as one of my favourite authors. It all started with Echo and Noah in Pushing the Limits and her excellent story-telling has only gotten better! Keep'em coming, Katie! Can't wait for more

Take Me On
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User Reviews:

Guest 6 months ago

It would be more sexy if the girl was wearing a bra. Or something else that's sexy. I would like that.

[email protected] 3 years ago

when guest said sex with me is so amozon it might not be.kkkkkkk i dont know why i put the k's im just being an ass

[email protected] 3 years ago

i agree with everything that guest is saying.$ it should have more sex sayings if you know what i mean.

Guest 6 years ago

Needs more sexual intercourse

Guest 6 years ago

For some reason this is showing me a different book!!

Guest 6 years ago

its a great book i love it

Guest 6 years ago

sex with me is so amazon

Guest 6 years ago

I will hunt you down today at night when you have dinner

Guest 6 years ago

I haven't read the book, I just like to comment.

Guest 6 years ago

yes it is sexy

Guest 6 years ago

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