Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament

Cover Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament
Genres: Nonfiction

The Religion of the Bible, unlike almost all other religions, has its roots in the regionOf Fact. Other reliffioUS SVStemS Historic charac-0 ,J ter of Biblicalare, in the main, ideal, being the Religion, speculations of individual minds, or the gradual growth of a nation's fanciful thought during years or centuries. The Religion of the Bible, though embracing much that is in the highest sense ideal, grounds itself upon accounts, which claim to be historical, of occurrences that are declared to have actually taken place upon the earth. That Jesus Christ was born under Herod the Great, at Bethlehem; that He came forward as a Teacher of religion; that He preached and taught, and performed many u mighty works "Table of Contents Introductory 1; CHAPTER II; Genesis7; Traditions of Paradise-of the Fall - the Serpent - of primeval longevity- of the early invention of the Arts - of the Flood - testimony of the Mahâbhârata-» American traditions - Conclusions of modern ethnology anticipated by Ge


n x - Traditions of Tower of Babel and Confusion of Tongues - Proof of early Cushite kingdom in Babylonia-Relations of Assyria to Babylonia - Condition of Egypt in the time of Abraham- Power of Elam and name of Chedor-laomer- Accurate description of Egypt in the later chapters of Genesis - Supposed "mistakes" of the writer examined; CHAPTER III; Exodus to Deuteronomy56; Profane accounts of the Exodus - Manetho's version - Account of Chaerenion - Agreement of these accounts with Scripture - Accounts of Hecataeus of Ab-dera, and of Tacitus - The differences and inaccuracies of these various accounts explained - Egyptian versions of the passage of the Red Sea - Egyptian monuments illustrate the oppression suffered by the Israelites in Egypt, and confirm the general picture of Egyptian customs in Exodus - Hebrew art at the time of the Exodus such as might have been learnt in Egypt- Historical illustrat

Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament
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